Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Forest Wood and the Important Trees Within Those Forests

Submitted By: Anna Notton
There are a variety of native trees that help us in our daily lives with the different forest wood that they produce for our different needs. One of the most valuable of those trees would be the white pine. The reason for its value and popularity is the softness and how easy it is to work with. This particular tree is used a lot in making fine lumber for homes and other buildings. The popularity however has caused it to be not as abundant as it once was.

Another very popular tree considered forest wood would be the spruce. The spruce furnishes the bulk of the pulp that is needed for making paper. These trees enjoy the colder climates and you will find many farms in the colder states providing spruce trees for specifically producing paper products. The spruce was once used by Native Indians to make twine and rope by utilizing the roots of the tree.

Cedars which can be found naturally in a lot of our northern states give us a nice light, soft and very durable kind product that is very good in making things like poles, posts for fences, pencils and of course cedar chests. Red cedar is popular for use in chests because the odor helps to keep moths off of clothing that is stored. Cedar however is becoming scarce because of their popularity and the fact that they grow extremely slow.

The chestnut for quite some time now has been used for ties for railroads, posts for fences and inexpensive furniture. This wood is a softwood and is brown. The bark and the wood can also be treated in a way to get an extract out of it to use for tanning leather. Unfortunately the chestnut has come under attack from what is called chestnut blight and could cause the tree to become extinct unless a cure is found.

The yellow poplar is used for making timber that can be used to make furniture, some types of paper. A lot of the dugouts for the early settlers as well as Indians were made with logs that came from this tree. Boats were also sometimes made from the yellow poplar because it was stronger than canoe birch.

A very useful and rather valuable tree is the white oak a long with the red oak both are brown that is are hardwoods and very durable. Oaks are used for furniture, railroad ties and a lot of general construction where lumber that is durable is needed often. A lot of ships have been made of oak as well.

The beech is strong and durable has been used for years to make boxes as well as barrels and casks for shipping a variety of things in. Water wheels are often made from beech and even wooden shoes at one time were made from this tree.

One of the most popular reasons people use hickory trees is for their sweet and edible nuts. The wood however; is yet another very strong and hardwood and can be used in products that need to be extremely durable like spokes, wheels, golf club shafts as well as some baseball bats.

The elm tree largely grown around homes for their wonderful shade are also used for making a variety of baskets and barrels for a variety of different uses. Elm trees were once often used for making rims for

The importance of trees and the endless variety of products that can be produced from them can not be overstated. So it is important to everyone that these natural resources be continually taken care continually replenished so that they will be there for generations to come Forest Wood and the Important Trees Within Those Forests


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